Our Clients


What she does:

Business Coach


  • Daily operations management
  • Project management
  • Launch management
  • Content repurposing and scheduling
  • Team management


  • From $20k to $200k launches
  • Welcome hundreds of clients
  • Take time off monthly


What she does:

Money Coach


  • Daily operations management
  • Project management
  • Launch management
  • Content repurposing and scheduling
  • Team management


  • Made money through evergreen funnel
  • Took 11.5 weeks off



  • Daily operations management
  • Project management
  • Launch management
  • Content repurposing and scheduling
  • Team management


  • Exceeded my launch goal for a brand new program while on vacation in Hawaii
  • More focus on marketing, sales, and innovating curriculum for my clients which makes money for the company
  • Built SOP bank 

What she does:

Marketing Coach

What Clients Have to Say

My launch was amazing since I had more time to really focus on sales and CEO thought work.

After I started working with the Time Off Operations team, I was able to concentrate more on updating curriculum, working on a new webinar, and my sales emails. I used to spend so much time on quality control. I was able to really focus on my launch because I wasn't worried about the details. We even had our first 'glitch-free' launch which was AMAZING.

I was able to enroll 50 people and have a $140K+ launch. With Team TOO, we have a system and they hit the scope of work BUT also ask questions about processes or systems to keep improving to meet the overall goal. I feel like they are in my business to support my business and not just to check off a list.


Working with Jascha for the past year and a half has been such a gift!

 She is incredibly organized and on top of things. She’s also very proactive and regularly presents new ideas to grow my business while enhancing my clients’ experience.

She has a vast array of expertise in everything from graphic creation to tech setup (emails, landing pages, opt-ins, etc) to client management. Jascha is a true team player and I would be lost without her help.


Simply put I don't know how I was functioning without Jascha as my second brain and right hand.

 She always sees beyond me and suggests things that will make my business run smoothly and more cost effective.

She's completely took over and helped clean up my client management process and has already outlined the things I need in place to scale my business. My favorite thing of them all is, she's genuinely excited for what's happening in my business.


Working with Jascha for the past year and a half has been such a gift!

I had a lot of big business projects and goals and I knew with the amount of work that was ahead of me, I couldn’t do it all. So I wanted to hire someone who could help me manage projects, delegate and make sure that my virtual assistant felt supported - and Jascha did everything as I expected.

During a busy season, what felt really good was coming to our meetings and Jascha would already have an agenda prepared. I liked that she was the go-to person for my team when I was busy taking care of clients. 


Before working with Jascha, I was doing so much manually and spending hours doing many tasks that could be automated. 

She helped me become more organized and efficient which has helped save me time and allowed me to focus more on tasks within my business that actually move the needle!

What I find most valuable is that she takes initiative in improving my business systems and made suggestions that I wouldn’t even have thought of. If you’re serious about elevating your business and making your systems and operations more efficient, I’d 10/10 recommend working with Jascha.


In the last 4 weeks, we've added $70,000 to our pipeline.

I am super impressed with the new lead intake process Jascha created for us in Calendly and Monday.com! In the last 4 weeks, we've added $70,000 to our pipeline. With our old form, we were getting quite a bit of traffic, but few conversions. 

With our new form from Jascha, this isn't the case! The ROI from our time together has been HUGE! If you're thinking about working with Jascha, do it!


Jascha was a great resource for my business. 

Before working with Jascha, I had various programs and tools running my business. She quickly learned all of these tools plus my business model to provide optimized workflows. She created client dashboards so my clients have a professional experience. She integrated my client management systems, giving me one place to view my business operations which has helped me save time by not bouncing around to various platforms. Jascha also helped me identify gaps in my client onboarding experience. 

After working with Jascha, I now have a seamless client onboarding experience, organized dashboards, and automations helping me run my business. 


Jascha's eagerness and ability to help wherever she could, made her the perfect fit for me.

My systems needed work primarily because both myself and my clients were continually missing deadlines. Beyond that, my thoughts, plans, and procedures for the business were scattered all over my desk in a few pieces of paper, journals, and random digital tools which did not make work easy for me or my team. 

Jascha's eagerness and ability to help wherever she could, made her the perfect fit for me. Her technical knowledge was comprehensive and needed, but secondary to her sincere concern and desire to help.

Now having my systems organized means both myself and my clients stay on schedule, which means my business is a part of my life and not my whole life...and it allows me to make more money because I can book more clients, while both the clients and I are happier with the end-results in less time.
